#                                                                                        #
#    NAME: Partition Alignment Report                                                    #
#    VERSION: 1                                                                            #
#    AUTHOR: Jonathan Kehayias (The Rambling DBA)                                        #
#    BASED ON: Workstation/Server Audit script by Alan Renouf (Virtual-AL)                #
#                                                                                        #
#    USAGE: PartitionAlignmentReport.ps1 ‘C:pathtolistofservers’                        #
#                                                                                        #
#    COMMENT: The file is optional and needs to be a plain text list of computers to be    #
#    audited one on each line.                                                            #
#                                                                                        #
#    05-12-2011: Minor changes by Arjen Huitema                                              #
#                                                                                        #

param( [string] $auditlist)

if ($auditlist -eq ""){
    Write-Host "No list specified, using $env:computername"
    $targets = Get-Content C:Test.txt
    if ((Test-Path $auditlist) -eq $false)
        Write-Host "Invalid audit path specified: $auditlist"
        Write-Host "Using Audit list: $auditlist"
        $Targets = Get-Content C:Test.txt

$Date = Get-Date

$Filename = ".Partition_Alignment_Report_" + $date.Hour + $date.Minute + "_" + $Date.Day + "-" + $Date.Month + "-" + $Date.Year + ".htm"

Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Building Report"

#region Report Header
    $Report = @"
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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        strShowHide = 1
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        strHideAll = "hide all"
    Function window_onload()
        If UCase(document.documentElement.getAttribute("ES_auditInitialized")) <> "TRUE" Then
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            For Each obji in objBody
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                        HideSection obji
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        IsSectionExpandedByDefault = (Right(objHeader.className, Len("_expanded")) = "_expanded")
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    Function document_onclick()
        Set strsrc = window.event.srcElement
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        If Not IsSectionHeader(strsrc) Then Exit Function
        ToggleSection strsrc
        window.event.returnValue = False
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    Sub ToggleSection(objHeader)
        SetSectionState objHeader, "toggle"
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    Sub SetSectionState(objHeader, strState)
        i = objHeader.sourceIndex
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        While (all(i).className <> "container")
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                SetSectionState objHeader, "hide"
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                        HideSection obji
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                strShowHide = 0
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    Function IsSectionHeader(obj) : IsSectionHeader = (obj.className = "heading_collapsed") Or (obj.className = "heading_expanded"): End Function
    Sub HideSection(objHeader) : SetSectionState objHeader, "hide" : End Sub
    Sub ShowSection(objHeader) : SetSectionState objHeader, "show": End Sub
    <p><b>    <font face="Arial" size="5"><b><i>Server Partition Alignment Report<hr size="4" color="#CCCC00"></i></b></font>
    <font face="Arial" size="1"><b><i><a href="http://sqlblog.com/blogs/jonathan_kehayias/archive/2010/03/01/getting-partition-offset-information-with-powershell.aspx">Version 1.0 by Jonathan Kehayias</a></i></b></font><br>
    <font face="Arial" size="1">Report generated on $Date </font></p>
    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0>
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$header = "
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                <DIV class=tableDetail>"
$footer = "
        <DIV class=filler></DIV>"

Foreach ($Target in $Targets)
$Report+= $header -f "heading_collapsed", $Target

#region Disk Configuration

$drives = Get-WmiObject Win32_DiskDrive -ComputerName $Target

$s = New-Object System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher
$s.Scope = "\$Targetrootcimv2"
$s2 = New-Object System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher
$s2.Scope = "\$Targetrootcimv2"

$qPartition = new-object System.Management.RelatedObjectQuery
$qPartition.RelationshipClass = ‘Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition’

$qLogicalDisk = new-object System.Management.RelatedObjectQuery
$qLogicalDisk.RelationshipClass = ‘Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition’

$Report+= $header -f "heading_expanded", "Partitions"

$Report += "
                        <th width=’15%’><b>Name</b></th>
                        <th width=’10%’><b>Drive Letter</b></th>
                        <th width=’10%’><b>Label</b></th>
                        <th width=’5%’><b>Size(GB)</b></th>
                        <th width=’10%’><b>File System</b></th>
                        <th width=’10%’><b>BlockSize</b></th>
                        <th width=’10%’><b>Offset</b></th>
                        <th width=’5%’><b>Index</b></th>
                        <th width=’5%’><b>IsPrimary</b></th>
                        <th width=’10%’><b>Disk Free Space</b></th>
                        <th width=’10%’><b>% Free Space</b></th>
$drives | Sort-Object DeviceID | % {
   $qPartition.SourceObject = $_
   $s.Query= $qPartition
   $s.Get()| where {$_.Type -ne ‘Unknown’} |% {
   $partition = $_;
   $partitionSize = ([math]::round(($($_.Size)/1GB),1))
       $qLogicalDisk.SourceObject = $_
       $s2.Query= $qLogicalDisk.QueryString
       $s2.Get()|% {
           $disksize = [math]::round(($_.size / 1048576))
        $freespace = [math]::round(($_.FreeSpace / 1048576))
        $percFreespace=[math]::round(((($_.FreeSpace / 1048576)/($objDisk.Size / 1048676)) * 100),0)

       $Report += "
                        <td width=’15%’>$($partition.Name)</td>
                        <td width=’10%’>$($_.DeviceID)</td>
                        <td width=’10%’>$($_.VolumeName)</td>
                        <td width=’5%’>$PartitionSize GB</td>
                        <td width=’10%’>$($_.FileSystem)</td>
                        <td width=’10%’>$($partition.BlockSize)</td>
                        <td width=’10%’>$($partition.StartingOffset)</td>
                        <td width=’5%’>$($partition.DiskIndex)</td>
                        <td width=’5%’>$($partition.PrimaryPartition)</td>
                        <td width=’10%’>$Freespace MB</td>
                        <td width=’10%’>$percFreespace%</td>
$Report+= "
$Report+= $footer
$Report+= $footer
$Report+= $footer

#endregion  Disk Configuration

$Report+= @"
$Report | out-file -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename