WinFX: This is a BIG problem

Nota: Este post será escrito en inglés porque considero que debe ser leído por toda la gente que esté pensando instalar WinFX o tenga instalado el WinFX (ahora llamado .NET 3.0).

Note: This post will be writed in English because I consider that it must be readed by all people who’s  thinking install WinFX or he have installed the WinFX (now called .NET 3.0).

Today, I’ve decided install the WinFX or .NET 3.0 for verify the good comments that David Carmona and elGuille have said in his pages. Later, when I’ve all installed, I had some problems, when I wanted uninstall all of WinFX and I download the  Pre-released WinFX Runtime Components Uninstall Tool and it uninstalled all my Visual Studio!!!!!!!!!

How can it happen that? Microsoft should see that tool.

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