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Use Microsoft Authentication Library(MSAL) in Xamarin.Forms

INTRODUCTION   Most users prefer to login with Facebook, Microsoft, Google or Twitter than using registration forms. That's why it's important to know the options and what each one of the authentication libraries offer us. Let's talk about Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL), Perhaps, at user level is not very well known but at the business one is the most important. Many companies around the world have their employees registered in Active Directory (AD) and MSAL offers us the chance to employees with your business emails can access the applications.   Note: More than 65% of users prefer to use login with providers than to use our registration form.   PLATFORMS   MSAL is available for Android , iOS , Java , Python, Angular , NodeJS , PHP , JS and every .NET...

INTRODUCTION   Most use...

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Interact with Javascript from C# using Xamarin.Forms

In one of our projects, we needed to make a navigation from a page that only contains a WebView rendering a web page, but only the web page knew when that behavior must happened, there is no way to know from the app point of view when it should happen, so we needed to call a C# method from the Javascript code of a web page.   How did we did it?   Hopefully we found this:   The idea is: A Xamarin.Forms View that contains the Url of the web page to load, and the method we want to call from Javascript. A renderer for each platform that will make the magic on every platform. public class HybridWebView :...

In one of our projects, we nee...

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Tailwind Traders: Retrospective

As we've been doing the last years, have developed the Xamarin scenario Microsoft used during their Connect(); 2019 event. This year the fake company is named Tailwind Traders, and it's supposed to offer a variety of products ranging from working tools to house furniture. Goals & premises The apps would be made using Xamarin.Forms 4, a preview version bundling Shell, targeting Android & iOS. We, as a team, came up with a small list of goals & premises: No MVVM framework, just vanilla Xamarin.Forms: we wanted everyone looking through the code understand how Xamarin.Forms works, without any MVVM framework which would hide how it's underlying done "Clean" C# and XAML codebase: anyone having a look to...

As we've been doing the last y...

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FormsPresenters: Setting Up MvvmCross with Xamarin.Forms

During the last months, we have made some improvements to the FormsPresenters plug-in taken from real-world projects we are working on with our customers, at Plain Concepts. Since we did not have some NuGet packages to make an easy install of the scaffolding needed, we dedicated some effort to add a small documentation to the GitHub repository it-self, so everyone can easily set-up MvvmCross on their Xamarin.Forms projects. The first step is to clone the entire repo. locally, and build the MvvmCross submodule. Apart from here, the rest of the steps are done within the FormsPresenters directory. You will find four different projects inside: Core one, which handles the common logic among every supported platform (Android, iOS and Windows Phone); and...

During the last months, we hav...

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Branding a Xamarin.Forms app on Android: Accent Color

Here we are going to start a series of articles with some tips to brand our Xamarin.Forms app.
In this case, we are going to talk about how to apply our accent color in some parts of our Android one.

Using Android Styles
The easiest way to apply our brand color is creating a custom Android theme.

For example: if we have a simple Entry, the result Android control is showing the default colors. A focused Entry control looks like:
