Todo lo que queria saber y nadie le respondia (ademas de Hans Avendano) acerca de Certificados en OCS

Hola a todos!!

Gracias a los ruegos de todos nosotros y nuestras innumerables veces que estabamos a la mitad del camino en una implementacion de OCS 2007 o de OCS 2007 R2 y a la hora de hacer los certificados surgia mas de una pregunta, Microsoft libero un documento publico que expone este tema con “foticos” y todo.


Deploying Certificates in Office Communications Server 2007 and Office Communications Server 2007 R2

Disponible en el sitio publico de Microsoft en el vinculo:


In this document, you will learn about the properties and attributes of certificates when working with Office Communications Server 2007 and Office Communications Server 2007 R2. This document contains a walkthrough of most of the common, and some optional, tasks that you need to perform to realize the full value of the system. All roles that require certificates for deployment and operation are discussed. The properties are presented along with information to describe what they are and how they are used. This document shows you how to request the right certificate with the right parameters to make sure that you are delivering value to your users, rather than just troubleshooting problems.”…

Por favor, es una lectura obligada para el arquitecto de soluciones de voz y el consultor e implementador.

por favor, Enjoy!!!!

Hans A.

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