Laboratorio de Comunicaciones Unificadas – Paso a paso – recomendaciones para OCS y UM para laboratorio y para mundo real – OCS Unified Communications 101 Lab – Parte II – Mi primer controlador de dominio. Maquina virtual y sobre Hyper-V


esta es la segunda entrega del Laboratorio de Comunicaciones Unificadas. en la parte I instalamos el servidor que hospedara todas las maquinas virtuales de nuestro laboratorio.

ahora crearemos una maquina virtual y la promoveremos como controlador de dominio.


Bueno, lo primero que todo es que yo creo en la maquina host, una carpeta donde deposito todos los ISOs que voy a utilizar. aqui pueden ver los instaladores de Sistema Operativo, SQL, OCS, entre otros.



Vamos a personalizar el motor de virtualizacion, Hyper-V.

Menu Inicio, Administrative tools, Hyper-V manager.



Listo. dentro de la consola, doy click derecho sobre el nombre del servidor. en el menu contextual y Hyper-V Settings.


Aqui le vamos a indicar donde almacenar los discos duros que se crearan para cada una de las maquinas virtuales. como decia mi abuelita, organizadito… es mas bonito.


los discos los vamos a depositar en una carpeta localizada en la raiz C:VMs


Asi mismo, la configuracion de las maquinas virtuales las depositaremos en la misma carpeta:


Vamos a configurar las tajetas de red y el switch virtual:


New Virtual Network, de tipo externo.


lo vamos a llamar VMs Network.


atencion con la advertencia y aplicando cambios:

clip_image011      clip_image012

Bien, ahora si, la creacion de la maquina virtual. Click derecho sobre el nombre del servidor Host, New, Virtual Machine. asi vamos a iniciar con todas las maquinas virtuales. ok?


al iniciar el asistente, yo por lo general chequeo “do not show this page again”. Next.


Nombre del primer controlador. DC01.


Asignamos Memoria. este tamano de memoria es mientras se instala y configura el servidor. despues lo bajaremos para hacer campo para los demas servidores.


Asignamos el switch virtual que hemos creado con anterioridad.


Verificamos que la localizacion de la maquina este correcta y next.


en este paso, en el asistente damos click sobre Image File (.iso) y buscamos el iso del sistema operativo.




y damos click en finalizar. Voila!! mi primera maquinita virtual :).

Hacemos una instalacion de sistema operativo comun y corriente:








Standard. Next.


I accept the License terms.






y a esperar un rato.






listo. Password.





y ok. hasta aqui. normal. configurar hora, red y nombre del servidor virtual.




sobre la tarjeta de red, doble click.


Click en propiedades.


doble click en TCP/IPv4


el controlador de dominio lo vamos a colocar con la direccion en gateway y DNS apuntan a si mismo. esto es para el primer controlador de dominio de cualquier organizacion. luego se variara el gateway al que se prefiera en la red.



cambio de nombre a DC01 y reinicio.







no olvide que el control + alt + suprimir se puede dar en este boton!


una vez ingrese, al servidor, vaya a menu inicio, RUN.


y alli escriba dcpromo.


esperamos a que la instalacion inicie.




y listos para crear el primer controlador de dominio. Next.


como es el primer controlador de dominio, esto es mera formalidad.


Creamos un nuevo dominio en un nuevo bosque.


el dominio debe tener un nombre “compuesto”. o sea, nombre de dominio y extension. esta extension no bederia ser encontrada en internet. mi dominio se va a llamar

ocshowto.loc (la extension local) para una mejor resolucion de nombres.


Nivel funcional. de una vez 2008.


instalamos el DNS en este servidor? por supuesto.


click en SI.


Click en next.


colocamos un password de facil recordacion. este password es distinto al de administrador.




y esperamos a que este servidor se convierta en Domain Controller.



Voila!!! listo. reiniciamos.


y ya esta creada nuestra primera maquina virtual. con sistema operativo Windows 2008 SP2 y promovida a controlador de dominio.

nos vemos en la parte III.




Hans A.

Laboratorio de Comunicaciones Unificadas – Paso a paso – recomendaciones para OCS y UM para laboratorio y para mundo real – OCS Unified Communications 101 Lab – Parte I – primer windows 2008 con Hyper V


cada vez que se alguien me dice.. “Hans, como hago para comprender todo esto, capacitarme y ademas hacer mis pinitos para comenzar a implementar en mundo real?”… y yo respondo siempre, “ya hiciste tu laboratorio en tu casa o empresa?”

de hecho, en varios de los voice ignite que he impartido, me he encontrado con gente 100% microsoft… que ha vivido Directorio Activo, Exchange, Certification Authorities, etc y que es totalmente nueva para el mundo de la telefonia .. como tambien he encontrado gente que es 100% telefonia y viene de un mundo totalmente ajeno al de Microsoft.

asi que, despues de mucho tiempo prometiendolo y por fin, aqui esta. en varias entregas instalare, paso a paso:

1. Windows 2008 SP2 Maquina Host con Hyper – V.

2. controlador de dominio

3. Entidad Certificadora

4. OCS 2007 R2 Front End

5. Exchange Server 2010

6. OCS 2007 R2 Mediation

7. OCS 2007 R2 Edge

8. OCS 2007 R2 CWA

9. Integracion entre exchange y OCS 2007 R2

10. y haremos ejercicios con un Audiocodes MP114 para entrada y salida de llamadas

10. Otros OCS 2007 R2 como Group Chat, Conferencing Announcement, Monitoring, Archiving…. etc.

y haremos conexiones desde varios tipos de clientes… hasta moviles.


sin mas preambulo, comencemos con Windows 2008 y mi primer controlador de dominio. yo he utilizado mi PC de hogar para este laboratorio. es un HP Pavilion con 8 Gb en RAM. de esos que son vendidos en almacenes de cadena por 600 USD. 🙂


Nada raro. alli, he instalado Windows 2008 SP2 y he activado el HyperV. como es para laboratorio, esto es suficiente. no olviden lo discutido a este respecto (virtualizacion) en blogs anteriores.

ok, entonces, paso 1. montar la maquina para alojar las maquinas virtuales:

la instalacion del sistema operativo Windows 2008 es la mas facil hasta las ahora conocidas. insertas el DVD y next, next… next.

a veces me preguntan.. y que version debo instalar?

Sobre la version (standard, enterprise o datacenter), datacenter solo se concibe para maquinas muy grandes y con procesamiento muy pero muy grande. Entre 64 Gb RAM y 2 TeraBytes RAM. La version standard del sistema operativo a 64 bits soporta hasta 32 Gb RAM y creo que es suficiente para los servidores que alojaran el lab y muchas infraestructura pequenas, medianas e inclusive grandes.

ademas me preguntan, y si mi dominio ya tiene controladores de dominio con Windows 2008 R2…

Los servidores que necesariamente deben estar sobre Windows 2008 SP1 o SP2 son los que se instalen con OCS 2007 R2 y exchange 2007 UNICAMENTE. Los demas servidores del ecosistema pueden estar en Windows 2008 R2. (Controladores de dominio, Exchange 2010, Bases de Datos, etc.)

Actualmente la plataforma de OCS 2007 R2 no esta soportada sobre Windows Server 2008 R2. El instalar OCS sobre Windows 2008 SP2 no necesariamente implica un retroceso tecnologico. Simplemente Windows 2008 R2 es una plataforma que implica una serie de funcionalidades adicionales que inclusive, no aplican sobre la plataforma de voz que opera sobre OCS 2007 R2.

entonces, comencemos, insertas el DVD y
















I accept and next…


Click en Custom…


si va a asignar una particion par Sistema Operativo, procure que no sea inferior a 60Gb. de lo contrario, Next.


Wait… Wait!!!







Ahora si!!! click en OK y asigne un password complejo.






siguiente paso: asignar zona horaria.


No olvide cambiar el nombre del servidor: Datacenter0 es mi preferido 🙂


Ahora, la red. yo estoy construyendo este lab utilizando un sencillo switch DLink de 8 puertos. 35 USD en cualquier tienda. 🙂

voy a utilizar direccionamiento 192.168.10.x. este primer servidor tendra la siguiente IP: Mask

reinicio y listos. servidor host listo. ahora Hyper-V!!!

Activando Hyper-V!!!!!


Ingresamos al Server Manager.


En los roles, clickeamos en Add Roles.



chequeas en Hyper-V




Escogemos la tarjeta de red. en los entornos productivos, se aconseja tener dos tarjetas de red: una para administracion de las maquinas virtuales y otra para el trafico de red real de las maquinas virtuales.


Click en Install


esperamos y el pedira el reinicio. listos. ya tenemos:

primer servidor con windows 2008. este servidor es el host. hospedara las maquinas virtuales que vamos a crear.

y ya le tenemos activo el Hyper V.

Press Release: AudioCodes Facilitates Use of Standard SIP Phones with Microsoft Office Communications Server


Audiocodes es uno de los partners que mas se mueve en el mercado de UC. en lo personal me gusta trabajar mucho con esta marca.

aqui dan respuesta a un gran interrogante que me hacen a diario: Puedo colocar mis telefonos actuales SIP a trabajar con OCS?

la respuesta: SI!!!!!!!! 🙂


Press Release
AudioCodes Facilitates Use of Standard SIP Phones with Microsoft Office Communications Server

Lod, Israel, March 16, 2010, AudioCodes (NasdaqGS: AUDC), a leading provider of Voice over IP (VoIP) technologies and Voice Network products and a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, is extending its product range for customers seeking access to the Microsoft Unified Communications environment with the introduction of AudioCodes’ SIP Phone Support (SPS) for Microsoft Unified Communications. AudioCodes’ SPS allows economically affordable connections to Microsoft Office Communications Server via standard SIP IP Phones. A direct connection to Office Communications Server is supported both for currently installed phones and newer models, as well as connecting mobile phones using AudioCodes’ Mobile Clients, utilizing AudioCodes’ gateway technology.

“Office Communications Server 2007 R2 has been a game changer for our customers, providing enhanced communications, significant ROI, and short time frames for payback. The ease by which any telecommunications environment can be UC-enabled with Office Communications Server 2007 is truly unique in the industry”, said Hugh Oakes, Managing Director Time2Market. “Now with AudioCodes’ SPS, it’s even easier and more cost-effective to migrate to Office Communications Server 2007 R2. The requirement of changing out your legacy handsets is mitigated, we can leverage the SIP handsets already in place. The ability to use the existing handsets makes the migration to Unified Communications even more cost-effective and provides yet another reason why we always recommend that our customers deploy Office Communications Server with AudioCodes’ gateways”. Time2Market is a Microsoft Gold Certified partner with the coveted voice specialization.

Enterprises migrating into the Microsoft Unified Communications environment have been showing great interest in enabling cost-effective IP Phones to connect to Office Communications Server. According to Synergy Research, the current installed base of IP Phones in the market is approximately 65 million. By 2014, around 20 million new IP Phones will be sold annually. Most of these phones have not had direct access to Microsoft Office Communications Server. Gartner Magic Quadrant for Unified Communications 2009 stated that “Enterprises looking into UC, particularly those with Microsoft applications already in place, should understand the Microsoft portfolio, because it represents a new paradigm for communication by a market leader. Microsoft’s solution, while comprehensive, is also the basis for a range of partner offerings”. Based on the Microsoft leadership and customers’ demand for partner solutions, customers can now protect their existing investment in third-party IP-Phones, while enjoying the full benefits of the Microsoft infrastructure, including unified call control, integration with their Microsoft Office Communicator, presence information and more.

«We believe that this is a very significant announcement since many enterprises are dependent on Microsoft desktop applications and have been forced to live in two separate worlds, one for their phone technology and the other for their desktop software environment”, said Elka Popova, North American Program Director, Unified Communications & Collaboration, Frost & Sullivan. “Many enterprises are looking for integrating the two worlds by connecting their existing installed base of IP Phones directly to the Microsoft Unified Communications environment.»

The IP phones supported by SPS include AudioCodes’ 300HD family of High Definition IP Phones, as well as other third-party IP Phones, such as Cisco, Avaya, Aastra, Polycom and other standards-based SIP phones. The mobile smart phones support is enabled using AudioCodes’ Mobile SIP clients, supporting all major smart phones’ operating systems, including Windows Mobile, iPhone OS, Symbian and Android.

AudioCodes’ 300HD family of IP Phones offer integrated, DSP-based support of Microsoft Real Time Audio (RTA) codec and the support of Secured Real Time Protocol (STRP) and SIP over TLS, enabling maximum security, high definition calls between IP Phones and Office Communicator clients. In addition, AudioCodes’ phones provide enhanced presence and Active Directory support in the phone user interface, offering enhanced user experience for the Microsoft clients.

“Utilizing AudioCodes’ Mediant family of Media Gateways, SPS can enable connectivity of other vendors’ SIP phones into the Microsoft environment”, stated Lior Aldema, Chief Operating Officer at AudioCodes. “Supporting Secure RTP and enabling a wide variety of narrowband and wideband codecs, AudioCodes’ SPS can connect legacy SIP phones into the Microsoft Office Communications Server environment, while maintaining security, providing high quality voice and user presence.”

Existing customers of AudioCodes’ Mediant gateways can now upgrade their existing installed base to support SPS. The same gateway can support the SPS functionality while providing a Media Gateway function between Microsoft Office Communications Server and/or Microsoft Exchange Server and the enterprise TDM PBX and/or the PSTN. SPS can scale from small demos of a few users all the way up to supporting enterprise installations of thousands of IP Phones and SIP Mobile Clients. By optionally integrating it with the different AudioCodes’ Mediant Media Gateways it can scale from 120 concurrent RTP to SRTP calls on the Mediant 1000 all the way up to 884 calls on the fault-tolerant Mediant 3000.

For more information about AudioCodes’ SIP Phone Support for Microsoft Unified Communications, please visit

AudioCodes will be exhibiting the SPS solution at VoiceCon, Orlando, March 22-24, 2010 in booth #428

About AudioCodes

AudioCodes Ltd. (NasdaqGS: AUDC) designs, develops and sells advanced Voice over IP (VoIP) and converged VoIP and Data networking products and applications to Service Providers and Enterprises. AudioCodes is a VoIP technology leader focused on VoIP communications, applications and networking elements, and its products are deployed globally in Broadband, Mobile, Cable, and Enterprise networks. The company provides a range of innovative, cost-effective products including Media Gateways, Multi-Service Business Gateways, Residential Gateways, IP Phones, Media Servers, Session Border Controllers (SBC), Security Gateways and Value Added Applications. AudioCodes underlying technology, VoIPerfectHD™, relies primarily on AudioCodes leadership in DSP, voice coding and voice processing technologies. AudioCodes High Definition (HD) VoIP technologies and products provide enhanced intelligibility, and a better end user communication experience in emerging Voice networks. For more information on AudioCodes, visit
Statements concerning AudioCodes’ business outlook or future economic performance; product introductions and plans and objectives related thereto; and statements concerning assumptions made or expectations as to any future events, conditions, performance or other matters, are «forward-looking statements» as that term is defined under U.S. Federal securities laws. Forward-looking statements are subject to various risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those stated in such statements. These risks, uncertainties and factors include, but are not limited to: the effect of global economic conditions in general and conditions in AudioCodes’ industry and target markets in particular; shifts in supply and demand; market acceptance of new products and continuing products’ demand; the impact of competitive products and pricing on AudioCodes’ and its customers’ products and markets; timely product and technology development/upgrades and the ability to manage changes in market conditions as needed; possible disruptions from acquisitions; the integration of acquired companies’ products and operations into AudioCodes’ business; and other factors detailed in AudioCodes’ filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. AudioCodes assumes no obligation to update the information in this release.
©2010 AudioCodes Ltd. All rights reserved. AudioCodes, AC, AudioCoded, Ardito, CTI2, CTI², CTI Squared, HD VoIP, HD VoIP Sounds Better, InTouch, IPmedia, Mediant, MediaPack, NetCoder, Netrake, Nuera, Open Solutions Network, OSN, Stretto, TrunkPack, VMAS, VoicePacketizer, VoIPerfect, VoIPerfectHD, What’s Inside Matters, Your Gateway To VoIP and 3GX are trademarks or registered trademarks of AudioCodes Limited. All other products or trademarks are property of their respective owners. Product specifications are subject to change without notice.


Shirley Nakar,
Director, Investor Relations
Tel: +972-3-976-4000

Press Release AudioCodes Announces Survivable Branch Appliances for Microsoft Communications Server "14"

Hola, desde Audiocodes me ha llegado esta informacion. cada vez nuestra solucion crece y crece mas!!!!


Hans A.

Press Release
AudioCodes Announces Survivable Branch Appliances
for Microsoft Communications Server «14»
AudioCodes Mediant 1000 and Mediant 2000 Multi-Service Business Gateways
are now field-upgradable to support Survivable Branch Appliance (SBA) new functionality

Lod, Israel, March 22, 2010, AudioCodes (NasdaqGS: AUDC), a leading provider of Voice over IP (VoIP) technologies and Voice Network products and a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, has taken its next step in enabling customers the migration to Microsoft unified communications (UC) solutions, by expanding its line of gateways to support Microsoft’s Survivable Branch Appliance functionality.

Fortune 500 companies have been using AudioCodes’ Mediant 1000 and Mediant 2000 Gateways with both Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2. With the introduction of Microsoft Communications Server «14» and the Survivable Branch Appliance, customers can upgrade their AudioCodes Gateways to support the Survivable Branch Appliance features. In addition, the same gateways also support the connection to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.

AudioCodes Mediant 1000 and Mediant 2000 Survivable Branch Appliances offer a combination of a Media Gateway platform running the SIP control functions, a DSP farm, running the media functions, and a separate, Intel Core2Duo high performance server module, running the Microsoft Survivable Branch Appliance software.

In addition to the standard Microsoft Survivable Branch Appliance feature set, the AudioCodes Survivable Branch Appliances offer a rich selection of advanced features, built specially to support the Microsoft UC technologies. These features include integrated support of Active Directory Lookup, «Crossover Gateway Resilience» for a fully redundant configuration, and many more.

The AudioCodes Mediant 1000 Survivable Branch Appliance offers a very flexible and modular world-class architecture, supporting a mixture of FXS, FXO, BRI and E1/T1 PBX and PSTN connections. This modularity allows customers to connect the Mediant 1000 Survivable Branch Appliance to virtually any PBX, IP-PBX or PSTN network around the world, supporting up to 120 concurrent calls and 1000 registered users. In addition, it allows the utilization of a new Communications Server «14» feature, by connection of legacy analog phones into the Microsoft UC environment, using the FXS integrated ports. Fax can also be enabled, using embedded T.38 and fax routing features of the Media Gateway.

The AudioCodes Mediant 2000 Survivable Branch Appliance offers great scalability, supporting up to 16 E1/T1 PBX and PSTN connections, 480 concurrent calls, and 1000 registered users, in a compact, 1U integrated system. Using a combination of the Mediant 2000 and MediaPack analog gateways, customers can enable the connection of legacy analog phones into the Microsoft UC environment.

«AudioCodes is happy to move ahead together with Microsoft into the next step of implementing world-class, survivable, distributed Unified Communications Networks,» stated Lior Aldema, Chief Operation Officer at AudioCodes. «We have seen the momentum being built with our introduction of products qualified with Office Communications Server, which can now be easily upgraded to support the Survivable Branch Appliance functionality. Many customers are buying into our joint solution with Microsoft, and we are confident that with the release of Communications Server «14,» we will see even more of them joining the UC world we enjoy ourselves, every day of our business lives.»

«AudioCodes Survivable Branch Appliance extends Microsoft Communications Server «14», enabling the same level of security and quality in branch offices during wide area network failures,» said Yancey Smith, director of Communications Server Product Management at Microsoft Corp.

For more information about AudioCodes’ Survivable Branch Office Appliances for the Microsoft unified communications environment, please visit

AudioCodes will be exhibiting the SPS solution at VoiceCon, Orlando, March 22-24, 2010 in booth #428.

About AudioCodes

AudioCodes Ltd. (NasdaqGS: AUDC) designs, develops and sells advanced Voice over IP (VoIP) and converged VoIP and Data networking products and applications to Service Providers and Enterprises. AudioCodes is a VoIP technology leader focused on VoIP communications, applications and networking elements, and its products are deployed globally in Broadband, Mobile, Cable, and Enterprise networks. The company provides a range of innovative, cost-effective products including Media Gateways, Multi-Service Business Gateways, Residential Gateways, IP Phones, Media Servers, Session Border Controllers (SBC), Security Gateways and Value Added Applications. AudioCodes underlying technology, VoIPerfectHD™, relies primarily on AudioCodes leadership in DSP, voice coding and voice processing technologies. AudioCodes High Definition (HD) VoIP technologies and products provide enhanced intelligibility, and a better end user communication experience in emerging Voice networks. For more information on AudioCodes, visit
Statements concerning AudioCodes’ business outlook or future economic performance; product introductions and plans and objectives related thereto; and statements concerning assumptions made or expectations as to any future events, conditions, performance or other matters, are «forward-looking statements» as that term is defined under U.S. Federal securities laws. Forward-looking statements are subject to various risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those stated in such statements. These risks, uncertainties and factors include, but are not limited to: the effect of global economic conditions in general and conditions in AudioCodes’ industry and target markets in particular; shifts in supply and demand; market acceptance of new products and continuing products’ demand; the impact of competitive products and pricing on AudioCodes’ and its customers’ products and markets; timely product and technology development/upgrades and the ability to manage changes in market conditions as needed; possible disruptions from acquisitions; the integration of acquired companies’ products and operations into AudioCodes’ business; and other factors detailed in AudioCodes’ filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. AudioCodes assumes no obligation to update the information in this release.
©2010 AudioCodes Ltd. All rights reserved. AudioCodes, AC, AudioCoded, Ardito, CTI2, CTI², CTI Squared, HD VoIP, HD VoIP Sounds Better, InTouch, IPmedia, Mediant, MediaPack, NetCoder, Netrake, Nuera, Open Solutions Network, OSN, Stretto, TrunkPack, VMAS, VoicePacketizer, VoIPerfect, VoIPerfectHD, What’s Inside Matters, Your Gateway To VoIP and 3GX are trademarks or registered trademarks of AudioCodes Limited. All other products or trademarks are property of their respective owners. Product specifications are subject to change without notice.


Shirley Nakar,
Director, Investor Relations
Tel: +972-3-976-4000

Anunciada la siguiente versión de Office Communications Server "14" – OCS Wave 14 – The Next Generation Is Here!!!

Hoy fue anunciada en Voicecon la siguiente versión de Office Communications Server “14” OCS Wave 14.

Igualmente, varios partners anunciaron nuevos terminales, gateways y soluciones integradas a Office Communications Server “14”.

Aastra (teléfonos):

Polycom (terminales de voz y video):

Dialogic (Gateways):

Audiocodes (Gateways):

NET (Gateways):

HP (Gateways):

Nice (Grabación de Llamadas):

Entre otros.


que capacitacion oficial pueden obtener del fabricante de los productos de su infraestructura de comunicaciones unificadas?-What about UC Learning Offerings?

Hola a todos!!!

En varias ocasiones, los clientes antes o despues de una implementacion de UC de Microsoft, preguntan que tipo de capacitacion oficial pueden obtener del fabricante de los productos de su infrestructura de comunicaciones unificadas. la oferta es variada: hay clinics, workshops y cursos.

asi que: he sacado un consolidado de la oferta actual de cursos que tiene Microsoft a traves de CPLS (learning) para OCS y para exchange tanto 2007 como 2010.

Aqui esta:

Para OCS:

Course 5177A:

Implementing and Maintaining Instant Messaging Using Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007


1 Business Day or 2 Nights




IT Professionals




Microsoft Office Communicator 2007



Delivery Method:

Instructor-led (classroom)

Contenido del Curso:

Course 5178A:

Implementing and Maintaining Audio/Visual Conferencing and Web Conferencing Using Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007


2 Business Days or 4 Nights




IT Professionals




Microsoft Office Communicator 2007



Delivery Method:

Instructor-led (classroom)

Contenido del Curso:

Course 5179A:

Implementing and Maintaining Telephony Using Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007


2 Business Days or 4 Nights




IT Professionals




Microsoft Office Communicator 2007



Delivery Method:

Instructor-led (classroom)

Contenido del Curso:

Para Exchange 2007:

Course 3938C:

Updating Your Skills from Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 or Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1


3 Business Days or 6 Nights




IT Professionals




Microsoft Exchange Server 2007



Delivery Method:

Instructor-led (classroom)

Contenido del Curso:

Course 5047B:

Introduction to Installing and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1


3 Business Days or 6 Nights




IT Professionals




Microsoft Exchange Server 2007



Delivery Method:

Instructor-led (classroom)

Contenido del Curso:

Course 5049A:

Managing Messaging Security Using Microsoft Exchange Server 2007


1 Business Day or 2 Nights


English, French, German, Japanese


IT Professionals




Microsoft Exchange Server 2007



Delivery Method:

Instructor-led (classroom)

Contenido del Curso:

Course 5050A:

Recovering Messaging Servers and Databases Using Microsoft Exchange Server 2007


1 Business Day or 2 Nights


English, French, German, Japanese


IT Professionals




Microsoft Exchange Server 2007



Delivery Method:

Instructor-led (classroom)

Contenido del Curso:

Workshop 5051A:

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2007


2 Business Days or 4 Nights


English, French, German, Japanese


IT Professionals




Microsoft Exchange Server 2007



Delivery Method:

Instructor-led (classroom)

Contenido del Curso:

Course 5053A:

Designing a Messaging Infrastructure Using Microsoft Exchange Server 2007


3 Business Days or 6 Nights




IT Professionals




Microsoft Exchange Server 2007



Delivery Method:

Instructor-led (classroom)

Contenido del Curso:

Course 5054A:

Designing a High Availability Messaging Solution Using Microsoft Exchange Server 2007


2 Business Days or 4 Nights




IT Professionals




Microsoft Exchange Server 2007



Delivery Method:

Instructor-led (classroom)

Contenido del Curso:

Para Exchange 2010:

Clinic 10133B:

First Look: What’s New in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010


3 Hours




IT Professionals




Microsoft Exchange Server 2010



Delivery Method:

Instructor-led (classroom)

Contenido del Curso:

Hands-On Lab 10134B:

Hands on Lab: What’s New in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010


3 Hours




IT Professionals




Microsoft Exchange Server 2010


Hands-On Lab

Delivery Method:

Instructor-led (classroom)

Contenido del Curso:

Course 10135A:

Configuring, Managing and Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2010


5 Business Days or 10 Nights




IT Professionals




Microsoft Exchange Server 2010



Delivery Method:

Instructor-led (classroom)

Contenido del Curso:

Course 10233A:

Designing and Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010


5 Business Days or 10 Nights


June 07, 2010(In development)




IT Professionals




Microsoft Exchange Server 2010



Delivery Method:

Instructor-led (classroom)

Contenido del Curso:

y para lo partners, tambien hay offerings directos:


Take a Second Shot at certification and advance your career



no olviden que el second shot esta disponible. aqui la informacion de esto:

Whether you are currently unemployed, looking for a promotion, or trying to become indispensable in your existing role, Microsoft Certifications can help validate that you have the skills needed to work in the top IT professional and developer jobs in the industry.

Take advantage of our Second Shot offer and get a free retake if you do not pass an IT professional or developer Microsoft Certification exam the first time. You must take both the first and (if necessary) the retake exam before June 30, 2010.

Offer details:
  • Dates: January 13, 2010 – June 30, 2010.

  • Details: You must register, obtain a voucher code, schedule, pay, and take the first and (if necessary) the retake exam before June 30, 2010.

  • Applicable exams: This offer applies to all Microsoft Learning IT professional, developer, project management, and Microsoft Dynamics exams, including academic exams.

  • Eligible countries and regions: This is a worldwide offer that is available at Prometric test centers only.

Note Only one Second Shot voucher is available per purchased exam.

How to use your Second Shot voucher

Note You must wait one day after taking your initial exam before you can register for a retake exam.

UC Business Card

Hola a todos,


entre todos lo beneficios de ser MCT y MCP ahora se incluye el crear una Virtual Business Card.

Fue algo divertido crear una con fotico para UC. aqui esta la mia:


Cool, no?


Implementacion de Communicator en Clientes: Debe ser completa!!!! – Communicator Client Implementation: Must be completed!!!


cada vez que se hace una implementacion de OCS en un cliente, he visto que extranamente no queda completa en la parte de clientes.

El cliente final, debe quedar con por lo menos 3 clientes instalados:

1. el cliente de communicator y su actualizacion mas reciente

2. el conference add-in

3. el cliente de LiveMeeting

personalmente, cada vez que hago una implementacion, creo una carpeta o folder compartido en el servidor con los instaladores asi:

1. Communicator.msi Instalador de Communicator 2007 R2 14,872,064 3:40 AM 12/17/2008
2. Communicator 2007 R2 Hotfix KB 969695.msp Actualizacion de cliente de communicator a octubre de 2009 10,369,536 6:07 PM 10/21/2009
3. LMSetup.exe Instalador de cliente de LiveMeeting 16,611,840 7:55 PM 4/10/2008
4. ConfAddins_Setup.exe Conference Add In 11,700,240 10:53 PM 10/2/2007
5. office2007-kb936864-fullfile-x86-en-us.exe Parche para cliente que tengan Office 2007 sin SP1 o superior 36,820,200 8:01 PM 4/10/2008
6. Communicator 2007 R2 Hotfix KB972884.msp Actualizacion de cliente de communicator a diciembre de 2009 10,391,040 11:26 AM 12/22/2009
7. Communicator 2007 R2 Hotfix KB976135.msp Actualizacion de cliente de communicator a febrero de 2010 10,426,368 10:45 AM 2/26/2010
8. CommunicatorMobile.msi Si el cliente maneja su Windows Mobile y hacer chat desde su telefono 4,977,152 4:37 PM 11/26/2008
9. msxml6sp1.msi Cliente de MSXML para XP sin service packs 1,521,152 5:38 AM 7/15/2007

estos instaladores los he dispuesto en mi skydrive. marcados de la misma manera. con esto se asegura una implementacion completa de los clientes en una infraestructura. se instalan en ese orden de ser posible. los .msp o actualizaciones de Communicator se pueden consolidar y dejar solo la actualizacion mas reciente que es la de Febrero de 2010.

estos instaladores se pueden distribuir a traves de script, directorio activo o System Center.

no olvide que una implementacion se entrega probada con el documento de Communicator_2007_R2_Testing_Guide.docx.

En este documento se indica como probar chat, audio, video, adicion de contactos, restriccion de contactos, creacion de agendamiento de Live Meeting, etc, etc, etc.

asi que, Enjoy!


Hans A.

Documentacion Completa de OCS 2007 y OCS 2007 R2 – the complete reference about OCS 2007 & OCS 2007 R2


a lo largo de estos anos, he venido reuniendo mucha documentacion acerca de OCS 2007 y OCS 2007 R2. esta biblioteca de documentos para mi ha sido de muchisima ayuda a la hora de resolver inquietudes.

los que me conocen, saben que uno de mis lemas es: no me las se todas, pero tengo el librito que nos puede sacar de la duda…. 🙂

asi que, con todo el cariño, aqui comparto mi biblioteca, la biblioteca consolidada de toda la docuementacion posible y relevante que me he encontrado… voy a colocar documentos, presentaciones inclusive estoy buscando la manera de como comprimir los videos…

entonces, las carpetas se han organizado asi:

Una para OCS 2007, una para OCS 2007 R2. posteriormente pondre una con Exchange Server UM.

la carpeta o folder de OCS 2007 contiene:

Communicator_2007_Deployment_Guide.doc 798,720 7:38 AM 9/28/2009
Communicator_2007_Frequently_Asked_Questions.doc 294,912 1:41 PM 7/30/2009
Communicator_2007_Getting_Started_Guide.doc 2,338,304 1:39 PM 7/30/2009
Communicator_2007_Quick_Reference_Card_Conferencing.doc 2,930,688 1:40 PM 7/30/2009
Communicator_2007_Quick_Reference_Card_Phone_and_Video.doc 3,842,048 1:41 PM 7/30/2009
Communicator_2007_Quick_Reference_Card_PresenceandIM.doc 2,290,176 1:41 PM 7/30/2009
Communicator_2007_Quick_Reference_Card_Shortcuts.doc 146,432 1:40 PM 7/30/2009
Communicator_2007_Testing_Guide.doc 1,748,480 1:39 PM 7/30/2009
Communicator_2007_Whats_New_Guide.doc 225,792 1:32 PM 7/30/2009
OCS Telephony Integration WP FINAL off2003.doc 14,023,168 10:20 PM 4/25/2009
OCS_2007_Support.doc 647,168 12:32 PM 7/30/2009
OCS_Admin.doc 8,656,384 7:39 AM 9/28/2009
OCS_Archiving.doc 1,016,320 1:36 PM 7/30/2009
OCS_DocRoadmap.doc 240,640 1:27 PM 8/30/2009
OCS_EdgeServerDeploy.doc 2,055,680 3:15 PM 10/23/2009
OCS_EnterpriseEditionDeployment.doc 1,523,200 1:37 PM 7/30/2009
OCS_Migration.doc 1,552,384 8:41 AM 7/14/2009
OCS_Planning_Guide.doc 5,644,288 7:46 AM 9/28/2009
OCS_QoE.doc 2,417,152 8:50 AM 10/31/2009
OCS_Security_Guide.doc 1,006,080 1:37 PM 7/30/2009
OCS_StandardEditionDeployment.doc 1,035,776 1:40 PM 7/30/2009
OCS_Technical_Overview.doc 3,481,088 1:34 PM 7/30/2009
OCS_TechReference.doc 12,956,160 7:54 AM 9/28/2009
OCS_VoIP_Guide.doc 4,256,768 1:36 PM 7/30/2009
RTAudio Overview.doc 172,544 8:50 AM 10/31/2009
UCAPIMap2007text.doc 95,232 12:30 PM 7/30/2009
CommunicatorPoliciesDocumentation.msi 380,416 1:31 PM 7/30/2009
OCSResKit.msi 3,179,008 2:59 PM 10/4/2008
RTCBPA.msi 887,296 4:23 PM 9/22/2008
UCDocumentation.msi 29,411,840 10:24 PM 8/20/2009
UMTestPhone.MSI 9,315,840 11:58 AM 7/5/2007
migrate_from_lcs_to_ocs2007.ppt 4,620,800 8:37 AM 7/14/2009
nathanwinters-whatsnewandcoolinocs2007r2-090516172228-phpapp02.pptx 8,012,594 10:40 AM 7/29/2009
Communicator_2007_Group_Policy_Settings.xls 110,990 5:29 PM 7/30/2009

La de OCS 2007 R2 contiene:

Communications_Server_2007_R2_Documentation.chm 9,752,582 8:04 AM 6/18/2009
Communications_Server_2007_R2_Documentation.chw 8,709 12:11 PM 6/26/2009
Client_2007_R2_Help_Desk_Resources.doc 3,372,544 6:01 PM 6/26/2009
Communicator_2007_R2_Testing_Guide.doc 1,774,080 7:35 PM 11/28/2009
Communicator_Attendant_2007_R2_Deployment.doc 232,448 8:53 AM 8/5/2009
EMEA Microsoft OCS2007 Deployment Guide.doc 1,025,024 8:48 PM 9/11/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Administering CWA.doc 519,168 8:04 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Administering Group Chat.doc 381,952 6:37 PM 11/26/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Administering OCS.doc 5,273,088 8:05 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Backup and Restoration.doc 774,656 8:05 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Command Line Reference.doc 819,200 8:05 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Deploying Archiving Server.doc 248,832 8:05 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Deploying Communicator.doc 236,032 11:41 AM 8/29/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Deploying CWA.doc 468,992 8:06 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Deploying Dial-In Conferencing.doc 237,568 8:06 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Deploying Edge Servers.doc 498,176 8:06 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Deploying Enterprise Edition.doc 562,176 8:06 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Deploying Enterprise Voice.doc 896,512 8:06 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Deploying Group Chat Server.doc 310,784 6:37 PM 11/26/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Deploying in a Multiforest Topology.doc 489,472 11:41 AM 8/29/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Deploying Monitoring Server.doc 275,456 8:07 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Deploying Response Group Service.doc 354,816 8:07 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Deploying Standard Edition.doc 464,384 8:07 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Getting Started – Documentation Roadmap.doc 123,904 8:07 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Getting Started – New Client Features.doc 188,928 8:07 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Getting Started – New Server Features.doc 164,352 8:08 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Getting Started – Technical Overview.doc 1,360,896 8:08 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Getting Started – Unified Communications Glossary.doc 166,400 2:10 PM 5/15/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Getting Started – Uniified Communications Glossary.doc 166,400 8:08 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Migration from 2005.doc 339,456 8:08 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Migration from 2007.doc 268,288 8:08 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Planning Workbook.doc 3,652,608 4:57 PM 11/24/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Planning.doc 3,510,784 8:09 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Preparing Active Directory Domain Services.doc 832,512 8:09 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Security.doc 693,248 8:09 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Supportability.doc 648,704 8:09 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Technical Reference for Clients.doc 1,175,040 11:41 AM 8/29/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Technical Reference.doc 3,566,080 11:41 AM 8/29/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Troubleshooting.doc 524,800 8:09 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Upgrading the Evaluation to Full Released Version.doc 116,736 8:10 AM 6/18/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Walkthrough – Mediation Server Replacement.doc 201,728 11:41 AM 8/29/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Walkthrough – Scale to Load Balanced Edge Server.doc 241,152 11:41 AM 8/29/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Walkthrough – Scale to Load Balanced EE Pool.doc 231,936 11:41 AM 8/29/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Walkthrough – Voice Deployment.doc 2,386,432 11:41 AM 8/29/2009
OCS 2007 R2 Walkthrough – Small- to-Medium Business Deployment.doc 712,192 11:41 AM 8/29/2009
OCS PIC Provisioning Guide.doc 87,040 9:27 PM 10/29/2009
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Response Group Service Deployment Guide.doc 446,464 9:44 PM 12/9/2009
Office_Communications_Server_2007_ProductInfo_and_Licensing.doc 691,712 7:47 AM 9/14/2009
OCS 2007 R2 RTM Planning Workbook v26.docx 4,132,483 11:29 AM 2/10/2010
OCS R2 Enterprise Telephony Integration White Paper.docx 8,409,990 4:03 PM 11/19/2009
OCS2007R2_with_Hyper-V.docx 3,061,429 4:01 PM 10/23/2009
AdRoute- 9,757,280 10:15 PM 7/28/2009
CapacityPlanningTool.msi 28,296,704 8:15 AM 6/18/2009
CommunicatorMobile.PPC.msi 4,330,496 3:25 PM 9/23/2009
MigrateOCS.msi 371,712 1:25 PM 8/30/2009
OCSEdgePlanningTool.msi 1,523,200 8:18 AM 6/18/2009
OCSPlanningTool.msi 1,392,640 8:19 AM 6/18/2009
OCSReskit.msi 24,562,688 8:13 AM 6/18/2009
RoundTable.msi 3,504,128 1:33 PM 8/27/2009
RTCBPA.msi 887,296 8:21 AM 6/18/2009
[MS-OCPSTN]-Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extensions for PSTN Calls.pdf 759,618 7:43 AM 11/23/2009
[MS-RTVPF]-RTP Payload Format for RT Video Streams Extensions.pdf 601,268 8:47 AM 10/31/2009
OCS2007R2ResourceKit.pdf 30,895,719 12:20 AM 4/8/2009
Phones%20%20Peripherals%20Datasheet%2071309[1].pdf 811,103 9:01 PM 8/26/2009
Programming for Unified Communications with Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2.pdf 7,414,289 6:03 PM 6/26/2009
Technical_Update_What’s_new_in_OCS_2007_R2_Daniel_Valik[1].pptx 9,856,040 8:10 AM 11/23/2009 43,594,581 10:17 PM 12/9/2009 3,074,117 12:19 PM 8/27/2009 3,955,990 11:29 AM 2/10/2010

NO olviden que la documentacion se va actualizando de tanto en tanto y a veces cambian los documentos asi que por favor, por precaucion busquen la ultima actualizacion de estos documentos en caso de ser necesario.

como siempre he dicho, BAJO SU RESPONSABILIDAD… estos son documentos publicos de Microsoft o que alguna vez fueron publicos y que hacen parte de una biblioteca de consulta para el Consultor de Comunicaciones Unificadas.

En ningun caso quiero hacer parte de pirateria ni nada y vuelvo y digo bajo su propia responsabilidad y ENJOY!!!!!!

aqui esta la biblioteca consolidada:

Enjoy!!!! Realmente Enjoy!!!!


Hans A.