Evolucion! Microsoft ha liberado el RC de Lync Server 2010.

Hola todos,

diran ustedes y se preguntaran porque no he blogueado en forma tan intensa en los ultimos meses pero estaba muy de la mano de equipo de producto haciendo las pruebas de lo que hoy ya se conoce como Lync Server 2010, asistiendo al Ignite del product y otras cosas.

Oficialmente el nuevo producto se llamara asi. es la nueva version de Office Communications Server 2007 y Office Communications Server 2007 R2.

…”Microsoft Lync Server 2010 provides complete presence, instant messaging, conferencing and enterprise voice capabilities through a single, easy-to-use interface that is consistent across PC, browser, and mobile device. You can Architect your deployment for high availability using data center resiliency and survivable branch appliances. Administrators benefit from a single, consistent management infrastructure, new capabilities to increase availability, and interoperability with existing systems. Administrators also use a new PowerShell-based foundation for administration consistent with Exchange Server, Active Directory, and other Microsoft server products.
This Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Release Candidate includes both editions of the server (Enterprise Edition and Standard Edition), along with the Microsoft Lync 2010 client.”…

Pueden descargar los bits de RC en:


trae muchas nuevas caracteristicas que ire mostrando en nuevas entradas en mi blog y ya que Microsoft ha hecho el release publico ya puedo mostrarle cosas como la consola.

La nueva consola esta hecha sobre Silverlight 4.0. no va a tener consola WMI. de hecho la arquitectura cambia totalmente y la manera de como instalar la infraestructura tambien.

la consola luce asi:


What’s  New:

el listado de algunas de las cosas nuevas son:

Call Admision Control CAC

Administracion por Web. no mas consolas.

nuevos filtros. nuevas politicas. etc. etc. etc. ya les ire contando a medida que Microsoft lebere nueva documentacion.

No olviden descargar el planning tool para comenzar su deployment.

What’s New in the Planning Tool for Lync Server 2010?

  • The Planning Tool now estimates the amount of bandwidth you may require for your WAN for audio and video conferences for each central site.
  • The Planning Tool now invites you to participate in helping make the planning tool better.
  • You can view your edge network diagram and enter FQDNs and IP addresses and view the certificates, DNS settings, and firewall settings for your edge network in the central sites when using DNS Load Balancing for Edge Servers. You can also import this information to Topology Builder.
  • The Planning Tool is supported on Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • You can export your topology file to Topology Builder for a faster, easier Lync Server setup experience
  • You can export the global topology, with its corresponding branch offices, as well as the number of concurrent calls connecting each data center to the PSTN into the Microsoft Visio drawing and diagramming software. The Visio output contains improved drawings for each of the site topologies.
  • The Planning Tool exports a list of the hardware for all sites, including branch offices, to a Microsoft Excel worksheet
  • The Planning Tool accommodates more supported topologies for Enterprise Voice and dial-in conferencing.
  • Navigation between topologies and server information has been improved.
  • You can resize or maximize the Planning Tool window to better accommodate your screen resolution.
  • The Planning Tool provides a menu bar and a toolbar for available actions.
  • The Planning Tool incorporates new Microsoft Lync Server 2010 features and topology recommendations.
  • Users are now evenly distributed among the Front End pools.

sigan este blog, estare publicando nuevas cosas.


realmente, disfrutenlo. esta muy bueno.

Hans A.

Lync Server 2010 | RC | Release Candidate | Office Communications Server | Codename Communications Server 14

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