MICTTing 2010

El Microsoft Innovation Center Tourism Technologies, primer centro mundial de Microsoft enfocado a las tecnologías turísticas, y ubicado en el Parque Tecnológico ParcBit, en Mallorca, organizó hace unos días un interesantísimo evento, en su primera edición, denominado MICTTing 2010.

Como mencionan en su página web, Microsoft Innovation Center busca ser un nexo entre el sector turístico, las empresas de tecnología, los emprendedores y universitarios, contribuyendo a la mejora de la productividad de las empresas de base tecnológica; generando nuevas oportunidades de negocio y favoreciendo su competitividad en base al conocimiento tecnológico; a mejorar la excelencia de las empresas turísticas ayudándolas a reducir sus costes; y a promover nuevos perfiles técnicos que abastezcan las necesidades reales de personal cualificado. Todo ello desde Baleares con una proyección local, nacional e internacional.

Bajo el título, “Proyectando la innovación y el turismo sostenible”, el evento reunió a los máximos representantes del sector turístico y TIC con el objetivo de analizar la aportación de la tecnología Microsoft y la de sus Partners al incremento de la satisfacción del cliente de la empresa turística.

Fueron dos jornadas muy interesantes, que además sirvieron como puesta de largo de esta interesantísima iniciativa que con tanto acierto está liderando el Director del MICTT, Peio Oiz.

Desde aquí queremos felicitar a Peio y a todo su equipo (gracias Bel!) por el éxito del evento.

Para los que no tuvisteis oportunidad de acudir, os adjuntamos algo más de más información sobre el evento, y os emplazamos a que acudáis a la próxima edición:

Fotos MICTTing 2010

Web MICTTing 2010

SharePoint Online 2010 – Shell, mayor contrato firmado hasta la fecha

Microsoft y T-Systems se han apuntado el tanto de pasar a la nube, en este caso a SharePoint Online 2010, a 122.000 usuarios de la compañía petrolífera Shell.

Es el mayor contrato firmado hasta la fecha, y supondrá un revenue aproximado de 30 millones de dólares durante los próximos 5 años.

A continuación, os adjuntamos más detalles sobre esta noticia, que nos ha hecho llegar directamente Microsoft.



Shell and Microsoft have worked closely together for more than 4 years in developing Shell’s vision for cloud services. Shell saw benefit in this in multiple ways, including cost reduction, speed to market and innovation empowering their global workforce. Last year, Shell decided SharePoint Online would be the starting point and issued an RFP for a service integrator, whilst simultaneously continuing to work with Microsoft on the SharePoint Online offering in context of a total solution. Shell has complex requirements, including regulatory restrictions on data location in certain geographies as well as requirements for certain kinds of data to be maintained on-premise.


Based on relationships over many years, the Microsoft global Account Team is now closely connected to the Shell Global CIO, his extended leadership team and various other stakeholders. Reciprocally, Shell is well connected to members of Microsoft’s Executive Leadership team, the Product Groups and WW EPG. Next to that, the global Account Team had fantastic support from a number of Microsoft Executives during this complex and lengthy campaign. These relationships were important many times in helping us to support our sponsors, and unstick difficult situations. Executive Sponsorship for the project at the customer side was required and absolutely critical during the most difficult parts of the contract negotiations, particularly since this is a Reseller deal.


Critical to this win was the vision of cloud services. There were many times during technical or contract discussions when Shell or one of our partners raised issues based on their familiarity with traditional outsourcing. It was only due to consistent selling the value of a cloud approach, at senior levels, that we were able to overcome. This was critical before the RFP (when Shell mandated to the suppliers that they had to bid with BPOS), and also during all stages even through the contract phases.

Shell’s vision for the cloud and how Microsoft software and services should work together also pushed the boundaries of what has previously been achieved with MS Online. So we are very grateful for the hard work of the Product Groups and their support with this tough customer.


The new collaboration solutions, starting with portal and document management, which this solution will enable, will bring together Shell’s global workforce, more quickly and cost efficiently than Shell could manage alone or with any partner. Additionally, Shell will benefit from early access to SharePoint 2010 features, and constant upgrades due to the evergreen promise.

For Microsoft this contract delivers approx. $30m license revenue over the next 5 years plus a strategically very important reference customer with true Enterprise credibility.

Impacto económico de implantar SharePoint Server 2010 en nuestra empresa!!

Interesantísimo estudio que trata de ofrecer un marco de trabajo sobre el que evaluar el posible impacto financiero que conlleva implantar Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010 en nuestras organizaciones.

Este estudio ha sido elaborado por Forrester para Microsoft
