Rangers WCF Load test tool … latest version published to Codeplex!

This morning, we published the latest (Beta November 2010) version of the popular WCF Load Test tool to Codeplex.

This tool takes a WCF trace file and a WCF client proxy or a WCF interface contract, and generates a C# unit test that replays the same sequence of calls found in the trace file. The unit test can then be used to load-test the target WCF services.

Although tested in a few pilot customer engagements, this release still maintains the beta tag until we receive enough feedback from real world scenarios.

The following is a list of new features and improvements:

  1. Provides support for DataSets
  2. Delivers support for duplex contracts
  3. Can handle ASMX services, even without a WCF client, which comes from the capability to process Fiddler2 traces
  4. Automatically filters out NullMessage messages which can appear in service-side message logs
  5. Verifies that the right kind of message log has been provided
  6. Initializes out parameters in the stub methods so that generated code will always compile without modification
  7. No longer locks the assemblies after the wizard has been used
  8. Provides improved error reporting

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