WaveEngine 1.4 (Dolphin) is out!

We are glad to announce that WaveEngine 1.4 (Dolphin) is out! This is probably our biggest release until now, with a lot of new features.

New Demo

Alongside with the 1.4 Release of Wave Engine, we have published in our GitHub repository a new sample to show all the features included in this new version.
In this sample you play Yurei, a little ghost character that slides through a dense forest and a haunted house.

Some key features:

  • The new Camera 2D is crucial to follow the little ghost across the way.
  • Parallax scrolling effect done automatically with the Camera2D perspective projection.
  • Animated 2D model using Spine model with FFD transforms.
  • Image Effects to change the look and feel of the scene to make it scarier.

The source code of this sample is available in our GitHub sample repository

Binary version for Windows PC, Here.


Camera 2D

One of the major improvements in 2D games using Wave Engine is the new Camera 2D feature.

With a Camera 2D, you can pan, zoom and rotate the display area of the 2D world. So from now on making a 2D game with a large scene is straightforward.
Additionally, you can change the Camera 2D projection:

  • Orthogonal projection. Camera will render objects 2D uniformly, with no sense of perspective. That was the most common projection used.
  • Perspective projection. Camera will render objects 2D with sense of perspective.

Now it’s easy to make a Parallax Scrolling effect using Perspective projection in Camera 2D, you only need to properly set the DrawOrder property to specify the entity depth value between the background and the foreground.

More info about this.


Image Effects library

This new release comes with and extesion library called WaveEngine.ImageEffects, this allows users an easy mode (one line of code) to add multiple postprocessing effects to their games.
The first version of this library has more than 20 image effects to improve the visual quality of each development.
All these image effects have been optimized to work in real time on Mobile devices.
Custom image effects are also allowed and all image effects in the current library are published as OpenSource.

More info about image effects library.


Skeletal 2D animation

In this new release we have improved the integration with Spine Skeletal 2D animation tool to support Free-Form deformation (FFD).
This new feature allows you to move individual mesh vertices to deform the image.

Read more.


Transform3D & Transform3D with real hierarchy

One of the most requested features by our users was the implementation of a real Parent / Child transform relationship.
Now, when an Entity is a Parent of another Entity, the Child Entity will move, rotate, and scale in the same way as its Parent does. Child Entities can also have children, conforming an Entity hierarchy.
Transform2D and Transform3D components now have new properties to deal with entity hierarchy:

  • LocalPosition, LocalRotation and LocalScale properties are used to specify the transform values relative to its parent.
  • Position, Rotation and Scale properties are used now to set global transform values.

Transform2D inherited from Transform3D component, so you can deal with 3D transform properties in 2D entities.

More info about this.


Multiplatform tools

We have been working on rewrite all our tools using GTK# to get these tools available on Windows, MacOS and Linux.
We want to offer the same development experience for all our developer regardless their OS.

More info about this.


Workflow improved

Within this WaveEngine version we have also improved the developer workflow, because one of the most tedious tasks when working in multiplatform games is the assets management.
So with this new workflow all these tasks will be performed automatically and transparently to developers, we obtaining amazing benefits:

  • Reduce development time and increased productivity
  • Improved the process of porting to other platforms
  • Isolated the developer from managing WPK files

All our samples and quickstarter have been updated to this new workflow, Github repository.

More about new workflow.


Scene Editor in progress

After many developers requests we have started to create a Scene Editor tool, We are excited to announce that we are already working on it.
It will be a multiplatform tool so developers will be able to use this tool from either Windows, MacOs, or Linux.

Community thread about this future tool


Digital Boss Monster powered by WaveEngine

Outstanding  success of the Boss Monster card game for iOS & Android kickstarter, which will be developed using WaveEngine in the next months.

If you want to see a cool video of the prototype here is the link.

Don’t miss the chance to be part of this kickstarter, only a few hours left (link)


More Open Source

We keep on publishing source code of some extensions for WaveEngine:

Image Effects Library: WaveEngine image library with more than 20 lenses (published)
Analytics Library: http://www.localytics.com/ (published)
Spine Integration: http://esotericsoftware.com/ (published)
TileMap Integration: http://www.mapeditor.org/ (coming soon)
Vuforia Integration: https://www.vuforia.com/ (coming soon)
Kinect V2 Integration: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/kinectforwindows/ (coming soon)
Leap Motion Integration: https://www.leapmotion.com/ (coming soon)
Occulus Rift Integration: http://www.oculusvr.com/ (coming soon)

Complete code in our github repository.


Using Wave Engine in your applications built on Windows Forms, GTKSharp and WPF

Within this new version we want to help every developer using Wave Engine on their Windows Desktop Applications, like game teams that need to 
build their own game level editor, or University research groups that need to integrate research technologies with a Wave Engine render and show tridimensional
results. Right now, located at our Wave Engine GitHub Samples repository, you can find some demo projects that show how to integrate Wave Engine with Windows Forms, 
GtkSharp or Windows Presentation Foundation technologies.

Complete code in our github repository.

Better Visual Studio integration

Current supported editions:

Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop
Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web
Visual Studio Professional 2012
Visual Studio Premium 2012
Visual Studio Ultimate 2012
Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop
Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web
Visual Studio Professional 2013
Visual Studio Premium 2013
Visual Studio Ultimate 2013


We help you port wave engine project from 1.3.5 version to new 1.4 version

Within this new version there are some importants changes so we want to help every wave engine developers port theirs game projects
To the new 1.4 version.

More info about this.


Complete Changelog of WaveEngine 1.4 (Dolphin), Here.

Download WaveEngine Now (Windows, MacOS, Linux)

Publicado por


Javier is a Computer Science Engineer who has always had a passion for 3D graphics and software architecture. He learned C# almost at the same time as he learned to talk, and his first word was "base". He enjoys imparting talks about technology and has contributed in many important software and video game events. He has participated in multitude of software projects involving multitouch technologies, innovative user interfaces, augmented reality, and video games. Some of these projects were developed for companies such as Microsoft, Syderis, and nVidia. His professional achievements include being MVP for Windows DirectX and DirectX XNA for the last eight years, Xbox Ambassador, as well as Microsoft Student Partner and Microsoft Most Valuable Student during his years at college. Currently he works at Plainconcepts and he is the development team lead at WaveEngine project.

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