En Plain Concepts estamos desarrollando Holoportation con nuestro motor de desarrollo 3D WaveEngine.
Usando un dispositivo Kinect, podemos capturar imágenes tridimensionales y representarlas en unas gafas de realidad aumentada como las Hololens.
Gracias a esta tecnología, podríamos reemplazar los manuales tradicionales para montar muebles y seguir los pasos de montaje con las indicaciones de un profesional.
Además, como esta información puede ser transmitida en tiempo real, podríamos tener reuniones de empresa o conversaciones más informales, desde cualquier parte del mundo siempre y cuando tengamos conexión de internet.
Video guías virtuales en los museos, asistentes virtuales en las tiendas, poder explicar el sistema solar o el cuerpo humano con hologramas, grabar mensajes para mostrar en un futuro.
Lo que puede parecer ciencia ficción ya es posible gracias a la realidad mixta y las Hololens
Si quieres saber más, ¡no dudes en preguntarnos!
In this demonstration, we’re going to explain some of the technology that we are developing here at Plain Concepts Research thanks to our own in-house 3D graphics engine called Wave Engine.
Using a Kinect device, we can capture three-dimensional images and project them in an augmented reality device such as HoloLens
Thanks to this innovative technology, we could replace traditional instruction manuals with step by step guidance of a professional.
As this image can be transmitted in real time, we could use it to hold company meetings or hold more informal conversations from anywhere in the world providing that there is an internet connection.
We could even use this technology to send a message to our future ancestors. While photographs and videos only tell one part of a story, imagine how much more complete that story would be through a 3D hologram.
What would have once been considered science fiction, is now science fact.
Thanks to Plain Concepts and Wave Engine, this technology not only adds a more realistic dimension to what is already currently available, but makes it easily accessible whether it be in the classroom, at home, within an office environment or even in a museum.
If you would like to know more, then please do not hesitate to ask us
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