
Xamarin Component Tag

Using Effects on Xamarin.Forms

Custom Renderers are useful when we want to customize native controls of a given type all around our app.But when we want to customize only some specific properties of a given native view, we could make use of Effects. An Effect is a simple and reusable piece of code that will allow us to access a native control to customize it.   Let's see a sample that will prevent the underline decoration when an Entry is focused. Core project In the core project add a class inheriting RouttingEffect like this: public class NoUnderlineEffect : RoutingEffect { public NoUnderlineEffect() : base("Blogpost.NoUnderlineEffect") { } } We could add properties to be able to pass parameters and...

Custom Renderers are useful wh...

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Setting up Xamarin.iOS builds in Visual Studio Team Services (formerly Visual Studio Online) through MacinCloud, and a bonus (HockeyApp)

A few weeks ago we needed to setup CI/CD builds in private repo (here is the public one), hosted in Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS from now on), for the Patients app made with Xamarin.iOS. Since the suite includes a Cordoba app for iOS as well, such was being built through MacinCloud, so the agent pool was already configured (if not, here can be found how to). Nowadays, VSTS offers a Xamarin.iOS build step where, if the agent pools support such capability, wraps everything needed to generate the final APP/IPA (1st for Simulator, OK for CI; 2nd for device, needed for CD) just selecting a Visual Studio Solution to build. The issue is, what happens with all the other steps...

A few weeks ago we needed to s...

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Grial UIKit review

A few weeks ago we got access to the Regular version of Grial UIKit for Xamarin.Forms. Grial UIKit comes with more than 30 awesome Xamarin.Forms' XAML screens which showcase this Xamarin Component, as well as, support for customization capabilities of Xamarin default controls, providing and unified Grial Theme that looks and feels great on every platform. Introduction Here, in Plain Concepts, we are always eager to leverage every platform in which we develop our apps for. We try to know as close as we could the strengths and weaknesses of the native UI frameworks of our platform apps, its customization capabilities, etc...

A few weeks ago we got access...

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