Sobre el lio del SP2 de SQL 2005

Algunos consejos:

I don’t have SQL Server 2005 SP2 yet

  1. Apply SP2 from
  2. Apply GDR2 from (Microsoft Update will also notify you of this after you applied SP2)
  3. You will now be on version 9.00.3054

I installed SP2 but don’t know if I applied this before March 5th

  1. Don’t worry about checking when you applied SP2, just go right to GDR2 at (Microsoft Update may have already notified you)
  2. You will now be on version 9.00.3054

I have applied SP2 and the GDR1 fix

  1. You should have a version of 9.00.3050

  2. If you do, then apply GDR2 at (Microsoft Update will also notify you of this)

  3. You will now be on version 9.00.3054

I haven’t installed SQL 2005 SP2 so I’m up at that top one.


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