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FormsPresenters: Setting Up MvvmCross with Xamarin.Forms

During the last months, we have made some improvements to the FormsPresenters plug-in taken from real-world projects we are working on with our customers, at Plain Concepts. Since we did not have some NuGet packages to make an easy install of the scaffolding needed, we dedicated some effort to add a small documentation to the GitHub repository it-self, so everyone can easily set-up MvvmCross on their Xamarin.Forms projects. The first step is to clone the entire repo. locally, and build the MvvmCross submodule. Apart from here, the rest of the steps are done within the FormsPresenters directory. You will find four different projects inside: Core one, which handles the common logic among every supported platform (Android, iOS and Windows Phone); and...

During the last months, we hav...

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Translating Designs into Layouts: Units Conversion

One aspect that Apple pushed to the limits is the union between Designers and Developers. Instead of understanding the product development process as a chain, it is done as a very close relationship walking in the same direction. Both of them speak different languages: they use different tools during their day-to-day job, they see different aspects of the product, their definition of done is different, etc. But there is something in common, which turns out to be a quite important thing: both want the product to succeed. Both want to deliver the best shape of what they are working on, and want to exceed the customer's expectations. Thus, it is worth looking for ways to improve this beautiful marriage. Within the following...

One aspect that Apple pushed...

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