Failed to Deactivate 0xC3EC782E

Hola a todos,

el dia de hoy me encontre que nuestro amigo, el KB974571 no permite la desactivacion de roles tampoco si esta presente en un servidor, por ejemplo de LCS 2005.

removi el KB mencionado y listo!

permitio la desactivacion. como dice Rui Silva en su blog …”Whether you’re superstitious, religious or a devoted fan of Murphy Laws, the naked truth is that sh*t happens!” 🙂



Hans A.

Clinics de Exchange 2010

no olviden que estan disponibles los clinics gratuitos de Exchange 2010:

Learn about the new unified messaging features, effective deployment scenarios, development platform options, and more. These clinics are free for a limited time.
Clinic 6899: Exploring Features of Exchange Server 2010 (two hours)
Clinic 6900: Introduction to Exchange Server 2010 (one hour)
Clinic 6901: Exchange Server 2010 in an Enterprise (one hour)

y el snack de Unified Messaging.



Hans A.