Extraordinario evento sobre C++ en Huesca

Microsoft nos propone un espectacular evento sobre C++ en Huesca. Son dos días en los que podremos experimentar las mejoras y espectaculares posibilidades de C++ con utilizando una de nuestras propias aplicaciones.

Si estaís planteandoos migrar una aplicación desde versiones anteriores de C++ a Visual C++ 2005 es una oportunidad única de hacerlo guiados por excelentes profesionales. Sin duda C++ es el lenguaje que más a evolucionado y mejorado con la aparición de Visual Studio 2005 y el más potente de los lenguajes que proporciona Microsoft.

A mi, desgraciadamente, mi agenda no me va a permitir asistir. Cuando lo he visto me he llevado un disgustillo. Es un evento muy goloso, sobre todo siendo MVP en C++. Dos días disfrutando con el lenguaje rey!!! Una pena, los eventos exclusivamente enfocados a C++ no abundan mucho.

Para aquellos que tengaís idea de ir a este evento, os recomiendo hecharle un vistazo a los siguientes articulos de la MSDN Magazine:

C++: Write Faster Code with the Modern Language Features of Visual C++ 2005

C++ Rules: Power Your App with the Programming Model and Compiler Optimizations of Visual C++

Still in Love with C++: Modern Language Features Enhance the Visual C++ .NET Compiler

Pure C++: Hello, C++/CLI

C++ At Work: Managed Code in Visual Studio 2005

On behalf of the Visual C++ Team and Microsoft Spain, you are cordially invited to a Microsoft Visual C++ Accelerator Lab on November 13th and 14th at Huesca, Spain.

In this lab, you will learn about the new security, performance, and productivity benefits of Visual C++ 2005. Experts will be on hand to help you successfully recompile your C++ source code using of the latest versions of the Visual C++ compiler.

If you are interested in attending, please register soon. ¡The seats are limited!

What: Microsoft Visual C++ Accelerator Lab
Where: Aragón Microsoft Tecnology Center: Huesca – España
When: November 13th and 14th
Time: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Limit: 2 guests per company.
Registration: http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032302529&Culture=es-ES

What you will accomplish

You will learn about improvements to developer productivity in the Visual Studio 2005 release, ways to make your application more secure, increase performance, mix native and managed code, and upgrade from prior versions of the Visual C++ compiler. You will gain a clear understanding of Microsoft's direction and ongoing commitment to provide the best tools for C++ developers.

We will work side by side with you in utilizing the techniques you have learned as you recompile your own application. Microsoft staff will be available on site to assist you. Our goal is that you walk away with a version of your application compiled with Visual C++ 2005.

Event Highlights

  • Tour of Visual C++ 2005
  • Upgrading from Visual C++ 6.0 and higher
  • C++ / CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) drilldown and language enhancements
  • ANSI C++ conformance
  • MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) extension using the .NET Framework
  • Security enhancements
  • Mixing managed and native C++ in the same application
  • Profile Guided Optimization

Who should attend

This event is designed for experienced C++ developers working for organizations with a substantial Visual C++ code base.


For the hands-on portion, you should bring your own computer with your application development environment.


  • Laptop with application development environment
  • Install Visual Studio 2005
  • Install source code for your application


Venue: Aragón Microsoft Tecnology Center
Dpto. Walqa
Parque Tecnológico Walqa, Carretera de Zaragoza, N-330a, Km 566
22197 Cuarte (Huesca – España)
Directions: http://www.microsoft.com/spain/partner/isv/aragonmtc/localizacion-en.mspx

Number of Seats

24 Seats

P.S. The registration will be First Come First Served basis

We sincerely hope that the content of this lab is of your interest

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