Materiales del evento ARDrone + Azure Mobile Services

LaGuerraDeLosDrones_Logo_WhiteMadre mía la de cosas que tengo que hacer para poner las cosas al día. Aquí va una de las que estaban pendientes -mejor tarde que nunca- con los materiales del evento de TenerifeDev sobre el desarrollo de aplicaciones para ARDrone 2.0 y Windows Azure Mobile Services.


Imágenes del evento

Aquí os dejo algunas imágenes, aunque podéis acceder a todas las imágenes del evento a través de la web de TenerifeDev.





David Rodriguez, is a happy Spanish guy living and working in Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) where he was born. He is one of the lucky ones who has the opportunity to work with cutting edge technologies at Intelequia as CTO. He has more than 20 years development background mostly based on Microsoft technologies, designing and architecting highly scalable systems like reservation systems for airlines companies. He has been working with Microsoft Azure since it was on CTP, migrating on-premise systems to the cloud, co-founding the .NET User Group TenerifeDev as well as the CSV company Intelequia Software Solutions. He is also the author of different DNN-Azure open source projects available on GitHub such as caching providers, analytics and Azure Active Directory.

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