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WebGL.NET? WebGL.NET borns as our WebGL low-level bindings for Wave Engine 3.0. Thanks to Mono's effort on taking the CLR into WebAssembly (WASM), WebGL.NET serves as a binding to consume the WebGL API directly from C# (or the .NET language you prefer, actually). WebGL.NET covers the official WebGL...

Enviado por Marcos Cobeña Morián

In modern app development, we can't think only of writing good code and full of features applications. We also have to create beautiful user experiences, and there is where animations take part in the game. Most common animations will change elements size, position or visibility to bring them to lif...

Enviado por Sergio Escalada

A few weeks ago we needed to setup CI/CD builds in private repo (here is the public one), hosted in Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS from now on), for the Patients app made with Xamarin.iOS. Since the suite includes a Cordoba app for iOS as well, such was being built through MacinC...

Enviado por Marcos Cobeña Morián

You have probably faced the problem of validating input fields in your app forms. As you may know, each platform provides different tools to validate text, time and other type of entries. What happens if we need a common solution for our favorite target platforms: Windows 10 UAP, Android and iOS? A...

Enviado por geeksadmin

A la hora de crear un nuevo DataSet entre los orígenes de datos disponemos de la posibilidad de utilizar un fichero almacenado en OneDrive. Esta capacidad no solo nos permitirá navegar en nuestro OneDrive para buscar el fichero origen sino además dispondremos de la opción de actualizar el conten...

Enviado por geeksadmin

La búsqueda inteligente de contenido e información se ha convertido en uno de los puntos fuertes en los que Office365 quiere aportar un mayor valor a las empresas. Hoy en día almacenamos y generamos información en distintos formatos y desde distintos, servicios siendo la experiencia de usuario m...

Enviado por geeksadmin

La búsqueda inteligente de contenido e información se ha convertido en uno de los puntos fuertes en los que Office365 quiere aportar un mayor valor a las empresas. Hoy en día almacenamos y generamos información en distintos formatos y desde distintos, servicios siendo la experiencia de usuario m...

Enviado por geeksadmin

Grial UIKit review

A few weeks ago we got access to the Regular version of Grial UIKit for Xamarin.Forms. Grial UIKit comes with more than 30 awesome Xamarin.Forms' XAML screens which showcase this Xamarin Component, as well as, support for customization capabilities of Xamarin default controls, providing and uni...

Enviado por Juan Antonio Cano

El testing unitario es una herramienta muy importante para ayudar a mantener la calidad y mantenibilidad del código. Hace años que Visual Studio tiene su propio framework de tests unitarios (MSTest) y sus propias plantillas de proyecto asociadas. Pero para realizar tests unitarios en proyectos AS...

Enviado por Eduard Tomàs

Este es el oscuro proceso de artes necrománticas para resucitar un full content deployment fallido. Para realizar este proceso, necesitará de los siguientes materiales: Algo de su ropa. Algo de su cabeza. Algo de su cuerpo. Algo de sus muertos. Ah no. Esto es para un muñeco vudú… El co...

Enviado por Carlos Tabera Pacheco

While working on a native Xamarin.iOS app, I noticed a difference between the same color applied through source code to the navigation bar and through Interface Builder to the background of a scroll view. There was a small difference between both colors' tonality, although I had entered the same RGB...

Enviado por Marcos Cobeña Morián

Recently we have used Xamarin.UITest to validate the UI of an app developed with Cordova, and Test Cloud to run such on a lot of physical devices. Assuming you have already experience creating a Xamarin.UITest project, the very first thing you will need to play with is running an emulator or a phys...

Enviado por Juan Maria Laó

With this new post we are going to learn how to add continuous delivery to a Xamarin.iOS project. Main components are FAKE as build automation system, TeamCity as continuous integration and deployment server and HockeyApp as storage, distribution and notification service of our client deliver...

Enviado por Juan Antonio Cano

We experienced some problems in one of our latest projects with Xamarin.iOS, the kind of problems that are normally accompanied by a big headache. While everything worked like a charm over iOS simulator, something started to crash when running the app over a physical device. It was a simple app cons...

Enviado por geeksadmin

As we can see here Xamarin.Android brings us the possibility to bind a Java library and use it in our Xamarin app. This feature allow us to use Java libraries in our Xamarin projects, and reuse our self libs or components of thirds parts. In one of our lasts projects we needed to integrate a specifi...

Enviado por Daniel Cáceres

During the last months, we have made some improvements to the FormsPresenters plug-in taken from real-world projects we are working on with our customers, at Plain Concepts. Since we did not have some NuGet packages to make an easy install of the scaffolding needed, we dedicated some effort to add a...

Enviado por Marcos Cobeña Morián

ASP.NET 5 Caching

Continuamos nuestras entregas de ASP.NET 5 con algo de uso habitual y que como el resto de servicios y funcionalidades también ha cambiado  de arriba a abajo. La cache es, sin temor a equivocarme, uno de los aspectos fundamentales en la web, no hace falta que explique el porqué, y por lo tanto ...

Enviado por geeksadmin

Here we are going to start a series of articles with some tips to brand our Xamarin.Forms app. In this case, we are going to talk about how to apply our accent color in some parts of our Android one. Using Android Styles The easiest way to apply our brand color is creating a custom Android theme. ...

Enviado por Daniel Cáceres

One aspect that Apple pushed to the limits is the union between Designers and Developers. Instead of understanding the product development process as a chain, it is done as a very close relationship walking in the same direction. Both of them speak different languages: they use different tools dur...

Enviado por Marcos Cobeña Morián

Hace unos días el equipo de ASP.NET  ha publicado ASP.NE T MVC 3 RC (Release Candidate). Podéis descargarla aquí. ASP.NET MVC 3 es una release increible, incluye toneladas de nuevas funcionalidades y refinamientos. También mantiene compatibilidad hacia atrás con ASP.NET MVC V1 y V2 - lo que ...

Enviado por Juan Maria Laó