In Wave Engine 2.0 we have updated the Wave Exporter Command Line Tool and added new interesting features. Previously this was only used for exporting the project assets as a post-build event but the new version incorporates the option to export specific assets, directories and an entire project, with new parameter options.
The command line tool is in the WaveExporterCMD.exe, on the Visual Editor directory (For example, in Windows usually is in ‘$(Wave Directory) / v2.0/Tools/VisualEditor/WaveExporterCMD.exe’)
Wave Exporter commands
Wave Exporter Command Line Tool allows performing the following commands:
- Help
- Asset
- Directory
- Project
Help Command
Shows the different parameters of the Wave Exporter Command Line Tool
Help Command Usage
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WaveExporterCMD.exe --help |
Asset Command
Exports an asset (with a .winfo file) to an output directory, converting it to its final .wpk format.
Asset Command Usage
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WaveExporterCMD.exe -m File -t <platform> -i <input> -o <output> [options] |
Asset Command Parameters
-m –mode | Export mode. Must be File |
-t –platform | Export platform. Must be one of this:[Windows |WindowsPhone | WindowsStore | Android | iOS | Linux | MacOS] |
-i –input | <input>: Asset information file path (.winfo) representing the asset. |
-o –output | <output>: Output directory, where the compiled asset file (or files in some cases) will be placed. |
-h –hidden (Optional) | Hides the output (-o) file |
-p –profile (Optional) | Not yet implemented. Export profile of the asset. If not specified uses the default profile. |
Asset Command Notes
- Typically a .wpk file will be generated. For example, a file spritepng.winfo (with its associated sprite.png file) will create a sprite.png.wpk file in the output directory
- However an animated model will generate two files, the skinned mesh asset and the animation asset. For example, the animated model asset character.fbx.winfo will generate the character.fbx.wpk and character.fbx_animation.wpk files in the output directory.
Directory Command
Exports all the assets, scenes and materials of a desired directory to an output directory, exporting the assets (see previous command) and copying the materials and scenes (.wmat and .wscene files).
Directory Command Usage
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WaveExporterCMD.exe -m Directory -t <platform> -i <input> -o <output> [options] |
Directory Command Parameters
-m –mode | Export mode.Must be Directory |
-t –platform | Export platform. Must be one of this:[Windows |WindowsPhone | WindowsStore | Android | iOS | Linux | MacOS] |
-i –input | <input>: Input directory path, containing asset, materials and scenes. |
-o –output | <output>: Output directory, where all the exported elements will be placed. |
-h –hidden (Optional) | Hides the output (-o) directory |
-p –profile (Optional) | Not yet implemented. Export profile of the directory, used to export every asset. If not specified uses the default profile. |
Directory Command Notes
- This command will generate a file called in the input directory:
- It contains the hash number of every asset and element of the project.
- Future exports will compare the hash of every element to the stored one: If they are the same the element won’t be exported, saving acrucial time for big projects.
- The export procedure understands that every asset file has a .winfo info with all the export parameters.
- If there is an asset with no .winfo file associated (png but no sprite.png.winfo, for example), a default .winfo will be generated in the input folder with the default export settings.
Project Command
Exports all the assets, scenes and materials from a project to a desired folder, converting them to its final format (.wpk in case of most of assets, .wscene for the scene, .wmat for the materials, etc.)
Project Command Usage
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WaveExporterCMD.exe -m Project -t <platform> -i <project> -o <output> [options] |
Project Command Parameters
-m –mode | Export mode.Must be Project |
-t –platform | Export platform. Must be one of this:[Windows |WindowsPhone | WindowsStore | Android | iOS | Linux | MacOS] |
-i –input | <project>: Wave project file (.weproj) path, usually placed in the solution directory. |
-o –output | <output>: Output directory, where all the exported elements will be placed. |
-h –hidden (Optional) | Hides the output (-o) directory |
-p –profile (Optional) | Not yet implemented. Export profile of the project, used to export every asset. If not specified uses the default profile. |
Project Command Notes
- The command will read the project’s resource folder (usually Content/ directory) and export it as a normal Directory Export command.
We will continue revealing more WaveEngine 2.0 features in the upcomming days.
Stay tuned at @waveengineteam and