Improving performance of my Wave Engine games (2/2)

This article is the second part of how to improve performance of my Wave Engine games. So if you do not know it yet, I recommend you read the first article before you start.

In the first article we showed how Wave Engine´s render works and how many draw calls are need to render entities. In this second article we are going to review two interesting techniques that allow you to reduce the number of draw calls to render your scenes.

Static Batching

This technique allows you to group many meshes on a single mesh so the engine will be able to render multiples entities as one.  But some limitations exist that we need to know before we use it:

  • It is necessary to mark your entities as Static, this means that these entities cannot be translated, rotated or scaled when running your
  • All entities must share the same material instance.

To mark an entity as Static you can set the Static checkbox on Wave Editor´s Entity Details Panel:

Continue reading Improving performance of my Wave Engine games (2/2)

Tutorial – Create your app with HoloLens

In this tutorial, we will cover the creation of your first HoloLens app using Wave EngineWe will find out why using this engine is a good choice for creating your holographic experience.

In this app we will load a plane in front of the viewer.


For simulating your app you will need a Windows 10 PC configured with the correct tools:

Project assets

  • Download the files required by the project here.

Continue reading Tutorial – Create your app with HoloLens