New project template and metafiles on Wave Engine 2.0

In the new Wave Engine 2.0 version we have been working on very important changes on the project template. This changes are designed to improve the portability of Wave Engine game projects. In this article we will go over the changes of the project template and compare them with the version we had on Wave Engine 1.4.2, furthermore we are going to review the new metafiles that all Wave Engine developers must also know to understand Wave Engine process.

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New Wave NuGet Package System

Wave Engine has been releasing several versions since the project started. In addition we allow our community to use our latest pre-release builds. This may cause a little mess when you are dealing with different projects/games with different versions at the same time. Which version should I suggest to install in all my team’s computers? What if I install more than one version at the same time?

To solve those problems we decided to update the Wave Engine default projects by using the NuGet package system.


NuGet is a free and open source package manager (initially designed) for Microsoft platforms and provided as a Visual Studio extension. It has gained popularity and it’s also integrated in Xamarin Studio and MonoDevelop.

If you take a glimpse of its web or its IDE extension you will find plenty of different libraries with different versions and dependencies.

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