New OpenGL adapter on Windows

In WaveEngine 2.3.1 we have added a new adapter on Windows for OpenGL, this allows WaveEngine developers to run their games using DirectX and OpenGL on Windows. This will be really handy to adapt their assets (like shaders or textures) faster to our OpenGL platforms (Linux, MacOS, iOS and Android).

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What’s new in Wave Engine 2.3.1

Wave Engine 2.3.1 has been released today.  This version adds some important features that we think our community will enjoy, like binary scene serialization and OpenGL support in Windows. Let’s have a look in detail.

Bokeh lens sample

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What’s new in 2.0

We are glad to announce that Wave Engine 2.0 (Shark) is out! This release is a giant leap forward in our loved game engine.

New Wave Visual Editor

In August 2014 we began working on the new Wave Visual Editor 2.0 and, today, we are happy to announce the new editor has finally come true.

Available for download on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms:

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Developing with GTK# + SharpDX + OpenTK

In this article we are going to show the reasons that led us to develop the new Wave Visual Editor on GTK# and the pros and cons of developing a cross-platform UI app with this technology.

When we began to develop the new Wave Visual Editor, we spent a great deal of time investigating different UI application frameworks. The researched technologies were Windows Form, WPF, GTK#, Cocoa# and Xwt.

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